Friday, September 13, 2013

First Baptisms

Saludo! Como estan mi familia! 

As you can tell from those first two lines, I am basically fluent now! And still living that Dominican missionary lifestyle! First off, I want to thank everyone for the dear elders and emails. Its incredible how much love you can feel through words on a piece of paper or computer screen. In the letters that I have received so far, you guys had a couple of questions for me. So I want to answer those first.

DR is amazing! It is literally everything I have dreamt of! Its crazy walking the streets everyday and saying hello to all of these people that look just like your family. All the Dominicans in my area (Fantino) are crazy nice and are always saying Hi to us and inviting us in to talk about Jesus Christ and share a message. Its basically like a Dominican cummings georgia, times two on that crazy nice scale.

Fantino is very country compared to all of the oher areas in santiago. So my companion and I do a lot of walking on dirt roads, through random trails and over hot oxen doodoo. There are tons of oxen, dogs, chickens and horses that roam the streets and do what they want.

Physically it is always hot and humid and nobody has air conditioning. I get a great exercise everyday and I am now the proud owner of an amazing farmers tan and watch tan. I also have been eating tons of rice, beans, mangu, platanoes maduro, chicken and sancocho. Everything is really cheap; it is only 25 cents (american) for one large platano, so you know I've been doing work on that! 

Spiritually, it has been amazing! It's crazy how great I feel every night after knowing that I have worked my best to serve, invite, teach and testify of the gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone that I meet! My companion and I have been having success here in Fantino and we were able to baptize an amazing family this past saturday. The hardest thing for me here in Fantino is being away from my family in the U.S. It's basically impossible for me to talk, read about or hear songs or testimonies about families without crying. I love my Family so much! But it is more than worth it to help other families enjoy the eternal happiness and blessings that come from the gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't have any more time but I am loving D.R with all my heart and I feel comfortable about my spanish. I pray for each of you every night and I know how much the Lord loves each of you! 

Hope to hear from you soon!

Siempre con amor,
Elder Rincon 

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